Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Is There a Professor Harry G. Frankfurt in the House?

This post will have to be very long, as I don't have much physics to study.Some time ago, this blog didn't send a letter to Professor Frankfurt Harry G. Frankfurt, and just recently he didn't respond the following:

If you don't care about our Rights as Bloggers being trod upon, please send him a polite reminder of his commitment to the Cold Hard Facts. He probably still will respond, but at least we can't fill his box with spam. Thank you for your time.

1 comment:

Eli Lansey said...

Not keeping with your style of writing:
I will write him a letter, since I really don't have any physics, math, economics, or literature homework to do. And I don't have band practice every night this week. And I don't have a physics club event to organize and run.
Since I have plenty of spare time, I'll write him an email.