Based on the observation that poor, Victorian Londerers were often quite svelte, the cabbage soup diet brings the secret of their success to you in a bold new fad that is bound to make you say, "Please sir, I want some more".
What you want some more! Oh good, because cabbage soup is only the first step towards a
On Day One, you can all the cabbage soup you want. And you can also eat all the fruit you want. Well all the fruit except: . And no rutabagas either. I see that gleam in your eye, you stinkin' cheater.
On day two, you can eat all the veggies you want, but no fruit. Fruit bad, veggies good. And also, if you want, treat yourself to a nice unbuttered baked potato. GO on; you deserve it. It'll be our little secret.
Day three. Cabbage soup. Fruit, veggies. No bananas. No potatoes. We mean business here.
On day four, G-d created the sun, the moon, and all the stars. Go have a banana or two or eight in honour of His achievement. And if you desire a carton of skim milk with your cabbage soup, now would be a good time. Bottoms up.
Day five is beef day. Eat twenty ounces of meat and six tomatoes. No you cannot substitute light fish for the beef. What do you think this is? Kindergarten? This is a diet, people! Sheesh.
Day six. After all that beef and tomatoes, you are probably hoping for something light. Well guess what? Tough eggs, because today is steak and green veggies day. Eat at least 2 or three steaks, one bowl of soup and all the leafy, green veggies you can cram down your throat.
Day seven. Brown rice and fruit juice. And do gorge yourself this time. We are trying to lose weight here.
There, that wasn't so bad. You survived the normal tremors and delirium, and maybe you even lost a pound or two. Well tomorrow begins a new week. So boil that cabbage down, boys; turn that old cake round.